Friday, May 8, 2009

So... About Yu Gi Oh cards...

Yes. Yu Gi Oh... It started awesomely and now....*deflating sound*

Oh yes...Let's Du-du-du-du-du-du-du-du-dueelllll! I remember the times when I would rush home every time at 4:30 and watch the latest episodes in the original arc... Ahh... Fun times =)

Today I watched my friends play Yu Gi Oh... and I stole...*cough* I mean secretly borrowed some cards... AND WHAT THE FSCK?!? YU GI OH sucks now. Don't play it.

Why? Well I know you'd think I'm wierd if I say this, but I picked out all the cards that had things BURIED, BURNED or MUMMIFIED alive... Well turned out of the 70 differeny cards I sto...I mean secretly borrowed, 25 of them contains things that I've said... 25 of them! Yea..and this game is for kids because...I'm pretty shure parents don't really wanna come see their kids mummifying the chicken they were gonna cook for dinner and say "MOMMY, I just gave it 500 attack points!" they would prolly throw the cards in their fireplace of that...

And turned out that of the 25 of them... at least 5 of the cards have more or less THE SAME EFFECT... seriously who cares if you did a "foolish burial" or a "premature burial"... in the end you will still recieve "capital punishment" anyways...

Plus, they start to BAN cards because it's too good?!?!?! If you're gonna ban cards, you should've ban the crappy ones like Crysalis Chick or something cheap like Exodia... not Dark Hole...! how come Heavy Storm didn't get banned? And WHAT"S WITH THE SYNCH monsters?
Conclusion: Yu Gi Oh has deviated from the path of the riteous. Don't plaay....
Intermission End... ~KazePenku 1.0

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