Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Today's Japanese word

yes I know it's from a restaurant, but bear with me guys ok?

Lesson 1(I guess):


alternate wording: あんあた (An-a-ta)

if I am not mistaken it means you
I don't think there's any more Anata can mean
This word is used really informally and usually to a friend
There's a more formal word or kimi

Of course you gotta remember if you're referring to someone
you are not really close to, use their name and -san or else...
umm I donno XD

If there's any wrong can you help correct me? I've only studied jap for 2 monthes, 3 days a week, 3-4 hours per day. Anywayyyyz... Lesson dismissed

Sayonara =)

made wa kazepenku 1.0

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