Thursday, May 14, 2009

Happy Victoria day =)

Victoria day is Coming up =) YES! A WHOLE, 24HOUR DAY OF NO SCHOOL XD. Thank you SO MUCH Mrs. Victoria, I would kiss you right now but you're dead and... well, in your 80s...

So... The Word of the Day: Victoria~a queen who helped millions of kids worldwide lose a day of education.

Anyways, I would love to do a second japanese lesson soon, but my school's computer doesn't support Japanese... so... =/

But... you can expect a Jap Post soon, very soon =P *wink wink nudge nuege*

Anyways, schedule of Victoria day:

9:00AM- Wake up, take a drink of water, go pee, sleep again
10:30AM- Wake up again, run to the computer and steal the seat before my sister does
11:00AM- Play a bit of MMORPG (hint: NOT runescape)
12:30PM- Get nagged off the computer by my sister
12:31PM- Throw my sister out of the computer room =)
1:00PM- get kicked off the computer by mom
1:10PM-thinking of... ok nevermind =P
2:00PM- Eat lunch
2:10PM- Go pee
2:10:30PM-wash my hands (really important)
2:12PM- continue eating lunch
3:10PM- go biking
3:24PM-just realize that Chapters down Bayview isn't opened
3:24:10PM- feel sad =(
3:40PM-Bike to Eglinton to make myself feel better.
5:55PM-Try to bike to Dufferin to stalk a friend, find out it's 5:55 and pray to the Number God
6:00PM- Remember that I never knew where he lived
6:30PM-Bike back to my house
8:56PM-Eat dinner
9:00PM-Go poo =P
9:30PM-wash hands (really important)
9:31PM-continue eating dinner
12:35:34PM-Go sleep.

THE END. ~KazePenku 1.0