Wednesday, May 5, 2010


In regards to the formspring posts.
They. Are. Stupid.

That's all.

~KazePenku 2.0

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Great Update =)

From KazePenku 1.0 to KazePenku 2.0, meh... just a digit difference, right?

Well. XD

Sure, why not.

Wow. To think, I haven't went on this blog for a LOOOOONNNNNNG time =) A year almost.

So why come now? I donno. But I DID update it though, it is now better more innovative and more organized, kinda like Obama

Yup, Obamacare ftw =)

Hmmm... For people who do not know what SCOTT REFORM is. It was a set of guidelines I set up for myself on how to act and what to become. Remember, I am very VERY political in that way, my state of mind is like a congress XD

So. Scott Reform is basically a localization and socialization of my behaviour and conduct, meaning my goals are not anymore focused on exploring alone but instead hanging more with friends and getting to know the area, gaining a rep. In political term, this is called consolidation...

Of course, this initiative has limited success, as my state of mind almost prevents me. You see, after YEARS of solitutional life, it's hard to turn over a new leaf, hence the implosion and total f---up of my last initiative of the sort in grade 9, "Turn over a New Leaf Revolution"... you see, I know what's wrong, I tried to change too radically my nature and the vacuum it left destroyed my stand forever destroying my school rep. So now, I've gotta build from scratch.

So instead of an initiative, I made a guidelines, "Turn over a New Leaf Revolution" is failure, but its spirit lives on. MY goal of achieving it in my 16th birthday still lives, although it might be slower and more painful to watch and build. I merged "Scott Reform", the slower kind of this initiative with "S.A.P reform", another set I set up (Social Academic Personal reform) to form a new set of guidelines, with Scott's goals and S.A.P.'s methods, called the "New Reform", hence this.

The only problem is, the due date is 1 month and a half from now, before I have to completely reevaluate my mentality and set new guidelines. It's harder then you think. So, keep it up, Kaze!

and to all politicians, take my example, it's better that way =)

~KazePenku 2.0

Thursday, August 13, 2009


No I'm not... =)

Actually, yes I am. AND GUESS WHAT!!! I learned so much more Japanese =)

Watashi wa ima ni Nihongou wo Bankyoshite itte!! =) Ano... Boku wa imasu! Hajimashite.

=) Anyways...

What's up?
I'll tell you what I am, I have LIT (Leaders in Training) and it is tiring me like heck... yea... the penguin is kinda DYING!!! AWNNEEWAYS.... Watching Much music

Japanese Word of the Day:曜日(Youbi) is almost like the -day, signalling one of the days of the week of the week. The days of the week are the kanji of the 5 Chinese Classical Elements and The sun and the Moon plus the 曜日meaning -day ... yea... let's see...
月曜日 火曜日 水曜日 木曜日 金曜日 土曜日 日曜日
Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.
Moonday Fireday Waterday Woodday Metalday Earthday Sunday (lolhuh XD)

So there you go
and I guess I am also giving you guys the pronounciation =)

月曜日- Getsuyoubi (Gets-Yoh-bee)
火曜日- Kayoubi (Kai- Yoh- bee)
水曜日- Suiyoubi (Su-ee-Yoh-bee)
木曜日- Mokuyoubi (Mo-Kyoh-bee)
金曜日- Kinyoubi (King-Yoh-bee)
土曜日- Douyoubi (Doe-Yoh-bee)
日曜日-Nichiyoubi (Nich-Yoh-bee)

End Transmission, ~KazePenku 1.0

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Miss me?

Of Course you do.

Now everyone who is a regular reader, just imagine, why have I been so inactive these days? o.o
WELL I'll tell you why... That's because I accidentally closed my comp without saving and well...I don't exactly have a 1GV memory y'know...=P

Well ANYWAYS... you must be wandering...Did KazePenku ever did whatever he said he was gonna do on victoria day? Well I'll tell you the answer again! No.

I got dragged outside to High Park (Yes that's in Toronto) and forced to go on a bike and RIDE IT... OH MY! My sacred bottom has been sacrileged XD...I eventually ditched my parents but... well they aint happy =P

So about that Japanese Post... I am unusually busy these days so I am going to post just a random fact or 2 about japanese and maybe a word XD

Japan Fact: Japanese adjectives ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS end in -na or -i like Ooishi or yummy or kiraina meanng distasteful... for deathnoters you might see that there's "kira" in the adjective and you're right. Kira or 嫌 means suspicious  XD

Japanese Word of the Day: 夏 (なつ) or Natsu... meaning summer XD the kanji is actually the same character in Chinese meaning the same thing

anyways I gotta go. right I forgot... ~KazePenku 1.0

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Happy Victoria day =)

Victoria day is Coming up =) YES! A WHOLE, 24HOUR DAY OF NO SCHOOL XD. Thank you SO MUCH Mrs. Victoria, I would kiss you right now but you're dead and... well, in your 80s...

So... The Word of the Day: Victoria~a queen who helped millions of kids worldwide lose a day of education.

Anyways, I would love to do a second japanese lesson soon, but my school's computer doesn't support Japanese... so... =/

But... you can expect a Jap Post soon, very soon =P *wink wink nudge nuege*

Anyways, schedule of Victoria day:

9:00AM- Wake up, take a drink of water, go pee, sleep again
10:30AM- Wake up again, run to the computer and steal the seat before my sister does
11:00AM- Play a bit of MMORPG (hint: NOT runescape)
12:30PM- Get nagged off the computer by my sister
12:31PM- Throw my sister out of the computer room =)
1:00PM- get kicked off the computer by mom
1:10PM-thinking of... ok nevermind =P
2:00PM- Eat lunch
2:10PM- Go pee
2:10:30PM-wash my hands (really important)
2:12PM- continue eating lunch
3:10PM- go biking
3:24PM-just realize that Chapters down Bayview isn't opened
3:24:10PM- feel sad =(
3:40PM-Bike to Eglinton to make myself feel better.
5:55PM-Try to bike to Dufferin to stalk a friend, find out it's 5:55 and pray to the Number God
6:00PM- Remember that I never knew where he lived
6:30PM-Bike back to my house
8:56PM-Eat dinner
9:00PM-Go poo =P
9:30PM-wash hands (really important)
9:31PM-continue eating dinner
12:35:34PM-Go sleep.

THE END. ~KazePenku 1.0

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Anyways... the Word of the Day is: Animator-vs.-Animation-2, The only game that had used firefox as a combative FLAMETHROWER !

So, what IS t3h Awwsommeezz? Well... I really don't know XD... All I know is that it's r0xxr, aws0mzs, 3xiteme, 133t, He3dshawt Advtg., n9bcakes pwn, h4xe, destructive dmg: OVER 9000!, fun, lol=(lmao-rofl)^2 and CAKE all at the same time...

Ahh... the sad sad awsomz world of 1337 5k33k (Licensed by

Anyways... the feature of the day is... of course... A sappy Chinese song =)...


try it...
use this link to youtube

Song Name:不會愛/Cannot Love
Song Made By: 飛輪海/Fahrenheit
Song Album: 雙面飛輪海/Two-Sided Fahrenheit



你不會愛 我的愛 我明白
妳的最愛 那一塊
我不會愛 妳的愛 受傷害


耳機他輕輕吻我耳朵 愛情更聽不完

你不會愛 我的愛 我明白
妳的最愛 那一塊
我不會愛 妳的愛 受傷害

愛你我慢不下來 沒有哪一天例外
跟自己比快 我會趕上你未來
你不會愛 我的愛 我明白
妳的最愛 那一塊

我不會愛 妳的愛 受傷害
不怕空白 我繼續等待

Sorry guys and girls who don't know Chinese... I'll make a english one too... IT sounds AWESOME! I'll make up my own english lyrics because for all I know, they sux at transl33ting

~KazePenku 1.0

Sunday, May 10, 2009


WARNING... This entry contains mushy stuff...if you don't want to feel...well... then don't read it. Please, save the mush. Anywayzzz....

This is a really ventable (check glossary) situation really...You guys who don't know me should just skip this. But people who do know me, I guess you see me as kinda... well...point is. you see, I have a reactionary personality. That means I react differently with different people... I think it kinda makes me more interesting, but others think otherwise...

So, you wonder, how am I supposed to predict what I'm going to do when I'm around you, well AFRAID NOT! I have made a list of all the personality types I encounter and the personality reaction I will give back (be warned: I am not entirely accurate in this, so don't take it to heart):

example: Me
reaction: think like a dual 4GB processor, with 10GB of memory and 1021KB of RAM
why: there's no one to talk to...

The Quiet type

example: Daniel Sos, Sean Xiao
reaction: Mutual quietness
why: stuck in a "who talks first" stand-off

The Enthusiastic type
example: Claudia Tran, James Yan
reaction: censored emotions + wanting to talk
why: When happy I share thoughts, when not I keep in cuz I want no offend him/her. I feel like I'm indebt to him/her for making me feel happy... yea... I'm wierd like that... well except James, he kinda just ignores everytime I get piss off so I feel there's no point sharing pissed off thoughts...

The Lazy type

example: Jacky Van, Simon Sauroe...umm souralys...dammit... Simon S.
reaction: Enthusiastic
why: I feel like it's my fault they won't talk to me (which in most cases it is... cuz I talk to much when I'm enthusiastic....)

The Funny type
example: Honghu Wang (or wong), Xiaohan Du [X.D. xD], Dima Tolst
reaction: Mutual understanding through sarcasm
why: This is the one where I feel the most free to voice out because you can't really tell if I'm being sarcastic or not XD (sorry Xiaohan, used your initials...=3) They understand me the most because of that.

The Confident type
vs The Timid type (sorry running out of attention space):
example: Josh M., Wendell umm... yea, just Wendell, Byron C., Tong (I mean Bill, sry), Eric
reaction: timid and protective
why: timid because I guess I feel a little intimidated and jealous over their confidence and admire them for it at the same time. Protective because I feel bad for them, they are in danger to feeling like me, feeling left out but having no idea I chose it unconciously.

Whew... that was a load, dou wa hinichi dezu (I don't think I got it right)?

Whatever... transmission end... KazePenku 1.0