Sunday, May 10, 2009


WARNING... This entry contains mushy stuff...if you don't want to feel...well... then don't read it. Please, save the mush. Anywayzzz....

This is a really ventable (check glossary) situation really...You guys who don't know me should just skip this. But people who do know me, I guess you see me as kinda... well...point is. you see, I have a reactionary personality. That means I react differently with different people... I think it kinda makes me more interesting, but others think otherwise...

So, you wonder, how am I supposed to predict what I'm going to do when I'm around you, well AFRAID NOT! I have made a list of all the personality types I encounter and the personality reaction I will give back (be warned: I am not entirely accurate in this, so don't take it to heart):

example: Me
reaction: think like a dual 4GB processor, with 10GB of memory and 1021KB of RAM
why: there's no one to talk to...

The Quiet type

example: Daniel Sos, Sean Xiao
reaction: Mutual quietness
why: stuck in a "who talks first" stand-off

The Enthusiastic type
example: Claudia Tran, James Yan
reaction: censored emotions + wanting to talk
why: When happy I share thoughts, when not I keep in cuz I want no offend him/her. I feel like I'm indebt to him/her for making me feel happy... yea... I'm wierd like that... well except James, he kinda just ignores everytime I get piss off so I feel there's no point sharing pissed off thoughts...

The Lazy type

example: Jacky Van, Simon Sauroe...umm souralys...dammit... Simon S.
reaction: Enthusiastic
why: I feel like it's my fault they won't talk to me (which in most cases it is... cuz I talk to much when I'm enthusiastic....)

The Funny type
example: Honghu Wang (or wong), Xiaohan Du [X.D. xD], Dima Tolst
reaction: Mutual understanding through sarcasm
why: This is the one where I feel the most free to voice out because you can't really tell if I'm being sarcastic or not XD (sorry Xiaohan, used your initials...=3) They understand me the most because of that.

The Confident type
vs The Timid type (sorry running out of attention space):
example: Josh M., Wendell umm... yea, just Wendell, Byron C., Tong (I mean Bill, sry), Eric
reaction: timid and protective
why: timid because I guess I feel a little intimidated and jealous over their confidence and admire them for it at the same time. Protective because I feel bad for them, they are in danger to feeling like me, feeling left out but having no idea I chose it unconciously.

Whew... that was a load, dou wa hinichi dezu (I don't think I got it right)?

Whatever... transmission end... KazePenku 1.0

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