Wednesday, May 5, 2010


In regards to the formspring posts.
They. Are. Stupid.

That's all.

~KazePenku 2.0

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Great Update =)

From KazePenku 1.0 to KazePenku 2.0, meh... just a digit difference, right?

Well. XD

Sure, why not.

Wow. To think, I haven't went on this blog for a LOOOOONNNNNNG time =) A year almost.

So why come now? I donno. But I DID update it though, it is now better more innovative and more organized, kinda like Obama

Yup, Obamacare ftw =)

Hmmm... For people who do not know what SCOTT REFORM is. It was a set of guidelines I set up for myself on how to act and what to become. Remember, I am very VERY political in that way, my state of mind is like a congress XD

So. Scott Reform is basically a localization and socialization of my behaviour and conduct, meaning my goals are not anymore focused on exploring alone but instead hanging more with friends and getting to know the area, gaining a rep. In political term, this is called consolidation...

Of course, this initiative has limited success, as my state of mind almost prevents me. You see, after YEARS of solitutional life, it's hard to turn over a new leaf, hence the implosion and total f---up of my last initiative of the sort in grade 9, "Turn over a New Leaf Revolution"... you see, I know what's wrong, I tried to change too radically my nature and the vacuum it left destroyed my stand forever destroying my school rep. So now, I've gotta build from scratch.

So instead of an initiative, I made a guidelines, "Turn over a New Leaf Revolution" is failure, but its spirit lives on. MY goal of achieving it in my 16th birthday still lives, although it might be slower and more painful to watch and build. I merged "Scott Reform", the slower kind of this initiative with "S.A.P reform", another set I set up (Social Academic Personal reform) to form a new set of guidelines, with Scott's goals and S.A.P.'s methods, called the "New Reform", hence this.

The only problem is, the due date is 1 month and a half from now, before I have to completely reevaluate my mentality and set new guidelines. It's harder then you think. So, keep it up, Kaze!

and to all politicians, take my example, it's better that way =)

~KazePenku 2.0